展会介绍 在线答疑




上海赛科建有 8 套主要生产装置,具有世界级上下游一体化的特点,体现了规模经济效应。其中,设计能力 109 万吨 / 年乙烯是目前世界上单线产能最大的乙烯装置之一,其余的 7 套装置也均达到世界规模,分别为: 60 万吨 / 年聚乙烯装置、 65 万吨 / 年苯乙烯装置、 50 万吨 / 年芳烃抽提装置、 30 万吨 / 年聚苯乙烯装置、 26 万吨 / 年丙烯腈装置、 25 万吨 / 年聚丙烯装置和 9 万吨 / 年丁二烯装置。

赛科采用世界上最先进的工艺技术,生产乙烯、丙烯、聚乙烯、聚丙烯、苯乙烯、聚苯乙烯、丙烯腈、丁二烯、苯、甲苯及副产品等,每年可向市场提供国内紧缺的高质量、多规格、宽覆盖面的石化产品超过 320 万吨。赛科建立完善的 QA/QC 体系,提供相关的售后服务及技术咨询,从事聚合物应用开发。

赛科是结合了中外双方的先进管理理念和技术优势的强强联合企业。赛科提倡客户导向的企业文化,致力于提供优质的客户服务,及时的物流配送和专业的技术支持。赛科目标是既在竞争中取胜,亦成为社会进步的动力。赛科高度重视 HSSE (健康 / 安全 / 保安 / 环保),保护我们的员工和产品使用者,重视社会公众的安全和健康,关注环保是我们的承诺。

赛科建立在上海化学工业区内,占地约 200 公顷 。赛科可以充分依托上海发达的制造、加工、商贸、金融、物流和其他服务行业,利用快捷便利的公路、铁路、水运等运输网,立足长江三角洲,面向国内和国际市场。 







3. 在新项目调试阶段,在值班长的指挥下,具体负责生产准备的各项工作的实施并担任重要角色。






9. 各生产区域的外操将接受值班长和内操的操作指令,有能力利用DCS进行监督和部分系统操作。外操的直接主管是值班长,由值班长负责他们实现企业的HSE目标和不断提高他们的生产技能,并对他们进行业绩考核。










2.化工分析技术员Chemical Analysis Technician

1、Safety: tests, administer specific safety request for liquid product lab;
2、Involved in all the activities relevant to nitrile testing laboratory and follow up the on-going actions set up in safety review;
3、Coordinate the installation, commissioning of the equipment in laboratory;
4、Responsible for non-routine certain testing and special laboratory reports;

1、Education Background:Above college degree or equivalent;
2、Good grasp of the operation of the GC and other analysis instruments and the testing methods;
3、3+ relevant working experience, at least 1 years working experience in same lab;
4、Strong teamwork;
5、Fluent in use of Microsoft Office applications;
6、English reading skill is important for this role;












? 负责OTS/APC系统日常维护和管理工作;
Be responsible for daily maintenance and management of OTS/APC.
? 参与程序的优化实施和改进控制策略;
Participate in process optimization and implementation and control strategy improvement.
? 负责制定APC/OPT/OTS系统预防性维修流程,关键性能指标;
Be responsible to develop preventative maintenance process and KPI for APC/OPT/OTS.
? 负责建立APC/OPT/OTS应用技术及维修档案,并保证文件得到更新;
To establish files on APC/OPT/OTS application technology and maintenance, to keep the files updated.
? 负责APC/OPT/OTS更新升级的项目管理;参与APC/OPT/OTS 项目方案设计及功能审核。
Be responsible to APC/OPT/OTS updating and upgrading project management; participate in APC/OPT/OTS project scheme design and function review.
? 负责提供现场操作员的仿真培训的支持,包括程序模型/操作员界面的支持及开发;
Site operator training simulator support, including process model / operator interface support and development.
? 通过OTS模拟来调整生产装置的过程操作参数,以提高产品质量。
To tune process operation parameters of production plants by OTS simulation in order to improve product quality.
? 负责APC/OPT/OTS系统和服务器等备品备件计划;
To be responsible for spare parts planning for APC/OPT/OTS system and its server.
? 确保掌握最新APC/OPT/OTS 技术;
To master the latest APC/OPT/OTS technology.
? 与工艺工程师合作,为操作员提供APC/OPT/OTS培训,帮助操作员掌握APC/OPT/OTS各项功能和使用;
To provide training to APC/OPT/OTS operators through cooperation with process engineers to help the operators to get hold of various functions and usages of APC/OPT/OTS.
? 与DCS工程师协调,及时将DCS组态修改的内容体现在OTS系统中;
To coordinate with DCS engineers and timely reflect DCS configuration revision in OTS system.
? 与生产工程师密切配合,研究并解决操作中发生的APC/OPT/OTS问题,制定并执行解决问题的方案;
To work closely with the operation engineers to deal with the APC/OPT/OTS problems occurred during the operation and work out the solutions.
? 协助编制装置先进控制方案;
Assist in the development of the advanced control schemes for the plant.
? 履行DCS组值班职责,及时处理值班期间发生的问题。
Perform DCS team’s on-duty responsibility and timely handle the problem occurred during the shift.


? 大学本科以上。具有化工工艺或过程自动化控制专业。
University degree or above. Own chemical process engineering or process automatic control bachelor degree.
? 3年以上工作经验,具有石化行业经验优先。
Over 3 years working experience, petrochemical industry is preferred.
? 有至少1年的APC/OPT/OTS应用维护经验,参与过安装、调试、应用、维护等过程;
Have at least 1 year of APC/OPT/OTS application and maintenance experience, and participated in process of installation, commissioning, application, maintenance, etc.
? 熟悉石油化工装置APC/OPT//OTS的应用方式和技术。
Be familiar with the application methodology and technology of APC/OPT/OTS in a petrochemical plant.
? 深度了解石油化工行业生产、安全和技术要求。
Deep understanding on production, safety and technology requirements of the petrochemical industry.
? 有小型机、服务器及Window系统应用经验。
Have application experience on microcomputer, server and Windows system.
? 善于交流并英语良好,具备财务知识优先。
Good communication and English skills, good finance knowledge is preferred.
Good computer skills in Excel, Word and PowerPoint, knowledge of SAP is preferred.
? 工作细心,注重细节并有较强的分析能力。
Strong attention to details and good analysis capability.






? 协助各工厂技术人员作好项目初步设计(或方案设计)经公司审查通过之前的管理工作。
Assist unit tech personnel to do the management before the initial project design (or proposal design) is checked and approved by Company.
? 在项目经理领导下负责项目归口管理,负责项目申请的联络,提交技术方案,上报项目资料,提请不同级别的审批。
Lead by Project Manager, be responsible for the centralized management of projects, contacting of project application, submitting tech proposal, submitting project info and applying for approval from different management levels.
? 依据立项批文要求及时委托设计,协调项目单位向设计单位提供相关资料,进行设计交底。
According to the project approval document of remarks, timely entrust design, coordinate project party to provide relevant info to design party.
? 协助HSE部门作好对项目的预先评价审查工作。
Assist HSE to do pre-evaluation and pre-check to projects
? 根据审查意见委托修改设计编制施工图,向HSE部门申请办理“三同时”报批手续,促成项目转入施工阶段。
According to the comments and suggestion after the check, entrust other party to change design and develop engineering drawings, apply for “3 at one time” submission and approval procedures from HSE, push projects to enter engineering phase.
? 负责项目实施、中间交接和竣工验收,参与合同谈判、投资预算和决算。负责项目统计与工程服务相关小组成员合作审核和核查项目施工各级进度计划、进行进度控制。定期组织召开现场施工调度会议,协调各承包商之间关系。
Responsible for implementation, handover and completion check of projects, be involved in contract negotiation, investment budget and settlement. Responsible for project statistics. Work with people from relevant ES teams to audit and check all-phase schedules of project engineering work, as well as control the progress. Organize site engineering and coordinating meeting on a regular base, coordinate between different contractors.
1. 监督施工(或总承包)单位质量保证体系的运行,认真履行验收签证职责,协助项目经理组织工程质量大检查、工程质量事故的调查处理,负责单项工程的“三查四定”和中间交接的准备工作。
Supervise the QA system operation of engineering (or general contractor) party. Deliver acceptance check responsibilities seriously. Assist Project Manager to organize engineering quality check, to research and deal with engineering quality accident, be responsible for “3 checks & 4 fixes” of single engineering work and the pre-work for middle handover.
2. 对于“三查四定”所列各项问题,负责落实好整改、消项工作。
For all the issues listed in “3 checks & 4 fixes”, responsible for improvement/fix and item close-out.
3. 审查工程进度报告,协调处理施工承包商的变更和索赔。对重大设计修改、设计漏项增补所需费用,立项报批后,协助有关职能部门办理投资追加、概算调整手续和资金的落实等手续。
Audit the engineering progress report, coordinate and deal with change and compensation claiming from contractors. For the cost of major design change and additional item (caused by missing-up in design), after project is established and applied, assist relevant functional department to handle the investment super addition, budget adjustment procedure and capital fulfilling.
4. 监督项目施工承包商HSE体系运行情况,协助项目经理做好HSSE工作。
Supervise the HSSE running status of project contractors, assist Project Manager to carry out HSE work.
? 努力改进工作方法,提升工作效率,确定能增进SECCO整体利益的工作途径,确保项目能够在质量、安全和成本方面达到业务要求。
Try to improve working methods and efficiency; define working methods which can bring more benefits to SECCO; ensure projects to meet business targets in terms of quality, safety and cost.
? 配合协助ES文员按规定及时将有关项目资料分发给有关的工厂、专业组室和第三方工程管理公司、及SECCO文档中心归档。
Assist ES drawing officer to distribute related project info to relevant Units, disciplines, engineering supervision companies of third party and SECCO document control center for filing.
? 及时完成上级经理分配的其他工作。
Timely complete other works assigned by superior managers.


? 本科及以上学历,化工机械或仪表、电气专业。
Bachelor Degree in Chemical Machinery or Instrument, Electrical.
? 具有5年以上大型石油化工装置工程建设和管理工作经验。
More than 5 years’ experience in engineering construction and management of big-scaled petrochemical facilities.
? 熟悉各种工程标准及使用。
Familiar with a range of engineering standards and capable of the applications.
? 熟悉工程及生产变更程序。
Familiar with engineering and production change procedure.
? 出色的组织、协调及项目控制能力。
Significant skill in project organizing, coordinating and controlling.
? 具备良好的计划、协调、沟通、汇报、学习能力。
Good planning, coordination, communication, reporting and study ability.
? 拥有用计算机编制详细报告和表达的经验,了解计算机维护支持系统。
Experience in work-outing detail report by computers and expression, knowledge of computer maintenance support systems.
? 具备人员培训和指导经验。
Experience in personnel instruction and direction.
? 具有良好的人际关系和影响力,工作业绩良好。
Good interpersonal and influence skill, good work performance.
? 掌握中英文两种语言。
Grasp Both English and Chinese.




6.烯烃维护工程师Olefin Maintenance Engineer

1、 执行SECCO的HSSE方针;
Execute SECCO HSE policy.
2、 贯彻执行有关设备管理、使用与维修的法规、规程、制度和技术标准;
Execute equipment management, usage and maintenance related specification, rules, systems and standards.
3、 在项目中,协助高级维护工程师、主任维护工程师或项目经理做好项目管理,参与单机试车、联动试车和竣工验收;
During the project, assist senior maintenance engineer, lead maintenance engineer or project manager to do well on project management, attend test run of equipment, linked commissioning and as built inspection and acceptance.
4、 协助高级维护工程师、主任维护工程师组织好日常设备维护、保养,使设备在生产过程中处于可靠完好状态;
Assist senior maintenance engineer and lead maintenance engineer to organize well the daily equipment maintenance and curing and let the instrument equipment under safe and control status during the production
5、 组织编制并审核大、中、小修计划、备品备件计划、润滑油计划和设备更新改造计划;
Organize, develop and review turnaround, medium or small repair plan, spare parts plan, lube oil plan and equipment updating and modification plan.
6、 负责设备的大、中、小修和更新改造的质量验收;
Be responsible for quality inspection of equipment turnaround, medium and small repair and upgrading and modification.
7、 完善各类设备台帐、档案,保证内容清晰、真实、有效;
Improve instrument register, archives and ensure the contents are clear, real and effective.
8、 专业范围内提供培训支持;
Provide the training supports within discipline scope.
9、 及时完成上级经理分配的其他工作。
Timely complete other work assigned by the superior manager.

1、 教育背景:大学本科及以上学历,化工或机械管理专业;
Education background: bachelor degree or above, major at chemical or mechanical management.
2、 工作经验:具有5年以上化工装置设备维护经验,烯烃装置维护经验优先,有2年以上技术管理经验优先;
Working experiences: more than 5 years of chemical plant equipment management experiences, OL plant maintenance experiences and over 2 years of technical management experiences are preferred.
3、 具有新建化工装置设备单机试车、系统运行管理经验优先;
Management experiences of new chemical plant test run, system operation are preferred.
4、 熟悉各类设备相关标准和法规。有较好的安全意识;
Familiar with equipment related standards and specification. Sound safety awaresness.
5、 有良好的沟通和协调能力,善于协调并建立必要的人际关系;
Good communication and coordination skills, good at coordinating and establishing necessary interpersonal relationship.
6、 有较强的责任心,积极主动完成工作;
Strong sense of responsibility and actively complete the work.
7、 熟练使用办公自动化者优先;
Candidates who are familiar with office automation are preferred.
8、 英语四级及以上水平。
CET 4 and above.





1、 安全:侧重于液体产品的测试,执行液体产品实验室安全特殊的要求;
Safety: Lay emphasis on the test of liquid products, and execute the special safety requirement of laboratory for liquid products.
2、 参与所有实验室安全活动,跟踪安全审核中提出的所有行动进展情况;
Involved in all laboratory safety activities, and follow up the on-going actions set up in safety review.
3、 参与分析相关的实验室设备的安装、调试;
Participate in analysing the installation and commissioning of laboratory equipment.
4、 按照STS完成测试任务,并符合HSE的要求。保证检验数据的正确和及时传递;
Complete the test tasks according to STS, and comply with HSE requirement. Ensure the test data are correct and timely transferred.
5、 协助工程师对化工产品分析测试质量控制工作的实施;
Assist the engineers to control the analysis & test quality of chemical products.
6、 负责某些非常规项目的测试和专业的实验室报告;
Responsible for testing of some non-routine items and special laboratory reports.
7、 及时完成上级经理分配的其他工作。
Timely complete other works assigned by the line manager.

1、 教育背景:大专及以上学历;
Educational Background: College degree or above.
2、 相关工作经历:3年以上工作经验。至少在同类实验室工作1年以上;
Work experience: Three years and above work experience. Working for minimum one year in the similar laboratory.
3、 良好的办公自动化的技能;
Good skill of Microsoft Office.
4、 与不同层次的人员进行良好的沟通;
Good communication skill with different level of staff.
5、 良好的团队工作精神;
Good team work.
6、 对检验数据的可靠性具有分析和判断能力;
Analysis and judgment ability for reliability of test data.
7、 了解ISO9001或其他的质量系统;
Knowledge of ISO9001 or other quality systems.
8、 理解ISO14000/ISO18000的系统。
Understand ISO14000/ISO18000 SYSTEM.





1、 与工厂合作,完善特种设备清单,按照规定进行特种设备的注册登记、办理使用证以及停用/注销/报废手续;
Work with plant and perfect the special equipment list, register the special equipment as per rule, and handle the operation permit and formalities such as service stop/cancellation /discarding.
2、 提前与工厂的维护工程师进行沟通,保证检验工作在安排的日期或者之前进行,以防过期;
Communicate with the Plant Maintenance Engineer in advance to ensure the inspection work is carried out at or before the scheduled date to prevent them becoming overdue.
3、 与完整性保证经理一起合作,安排检验资源,在其所负责的范围内进行所计划的以及发生故障的静设备检验/检测;
Work with the Integrity Assurance Manager and plan inspection resources to carry out the scheduled and failed static equipment inspections within the area of responsibility.
4、 在进行设备的检验/检测后编制准确的书面检验报告。如果检验是由外部人员进行的,则审查其出具的检验报告的内容;
Develop the accurate written inspection reports following the inspection of all items. When an inspection is carried out by the external party, check the content of the inspection report issued by the external party.
5、 在其所负责的范围内持续执行腐蚀监测计划;
Maintain an ongoing corrosion monitoring program for the area of responsibility.
6、 与其它部门合作,对检维修材料、静设备进行检验和质量控制,严格控制更换设备、材料和备件的制造质量;
Cooperate with other Departments to conduct the inspection and quality control for maintenance and repair material and static equipment and strictly control manufacturing quality of replacement equipment, material and spares.
7、 审核承包商检维修活动的检验/检测计划并监督其执行;
Review contractor maintenance and repair activities inspection and testing plan and supervise them to execute them.
8、 参与维护承包商考核,定期审查承包商对其质量管理程序和做法的遵守情况;
Participate in the contractor assessment and review the contractor’s compliance of their quality control procedure and practices periodically.
9、 参加质量事故、RCFA的分析调研,为提高设备运行可靠性提供依据;
Take part in the research and analysis of the quality accidents and RCFA and provide basis to increase the reliability of the equipment operation.
10、 参与改扩建项目质量管理,审核承包商QA和QC,必要时采取第三方检测监控质量;
Participate in the quality management of revamp and expansion project and review contractor QA and QC, if necessary, use the third party to inspect and monitor the quality.
11、 贯彻赛科的HSSE精神,在工作中实施;
Carry out HSSE spirit of SECCO and practice in work.
12、 及时完成上级经理分配的其他工作。
Complete other assignments from the superior manger timely.

1、 具有大学本科及以上学历,化工机械专业或机械工程专业;
Bachelor degree or above, in chemical machinery or mechanical engineering major.
2、 具有5年以上石化行业设备方面的经验;
5 years or above experience in equipment of petrochemical industry.
3、 熟悉石化大型设备结构,材料的性能;
Familiar with petrochemical large equipment structure and material property.
4、 熟悉设备行业各项工程标准、规范及其应用范围;
Be familiar with engineering standard, criterion and their application scope of equipment industry.
5、 熟知标准检测测试方法,具备无损检测及金属材料学方面的经验;
Good understanding of the standard methods of inspection and testing,Possess experience on non-destructive test and metal material subject.
6、 具备人员管理经验,尤其是培训和指导;
People management experience, especially coaching and training.
7、 掌握计算机的基本应用;
Capable user of PC office applications.
8、 具有良好的人际关系和影响力,能够积极地与各个部门小组如装置、设备专业组,采购部门承包商等进行沟通相关的问题。
Good interpersonal relationship and influence skill, can communicate actively with other teams eg, plants teams, equipment specialists, procurement teams and contractors.





1、 负责船舶评估与协调工作,通过第三方船舶评估系统对船舶进行审核,并完成与船公司、船舶使用部门的沟通;
Responsible for ship vetting and coordination work, vet vessel by using 3rd party vetting agent, and communicate related information with ship company and vessel charting department.
2、 组织船舶管理公司TMSA评估,并负责评估报告的跟踪与行动项关闭,确保在签订期租或COA合同前船舶管理公司符合赛科海运HSSE保障程序标准;
Organize ship company‘s TMSA audit, responsible for action’s close up, make sure all COA and Time chartered company can satisfy with SECCO marine assurance procedure.
3、 负责构建及管理赛科船舶评估系统,并建立船舶资料数据库和提供优化建议;
Responsible for building up SECCO vessel vetting system, manage related vessel database and provide optimization plan.
4、 参与码头公司评估,跟踪评估报告与关闭行动项目;
Join terminal company’s assessment, follow and close related audit action.
5、 参与业务部门提出的物流设施(船舶或码头)豁免申请的风险评估,并制定风险消减措施;
Join the risk assessment for waiver application issued by business department and formulate related risk reduction measures.
6、 参与日常期租船、COA船舶安全作业及日常管理现场检查,按照VIQ标准查找日常实际运营中船舶HSE管理存在缺陷并跟踪关闭;
Join TC vessel and COA vessel ‘s routine site safety management, follow and close up findings occurred in the daily operation.
7、 及时完成上级经理分配的其他工作。
Complete timely other tasks assigned by line manager.

1、 海运相关专业本科及以上学历;
Bachelor degree or above majored in marine related course.
2、 油/化工品船船长实操资历,有油/化工品船船长证书优先;
Operation experience in chemical/oil vessel’s captain position, Captain Certificate related with oil/chemical ship is high plus.
Familiar with OCIMF VIQ/TMSA and terminal standard.
4、 船舶管理公司从事船舶Vetting、管理体系管理等工作经历;
Working experience with ship vetting and management system.
5、 独立审计评估能力;
Independent audit competency.
6、 熟知风险评估、事故调查方法;
Familiar with risk assessment and RCA methodology.
7、 SIRE验船师优先;
SIRE inspector is high plus.
8、 能使用英语进行工作交流;
Can use English as a working language.
9、 高度自我激励,能够采取主动,独立工作;
High self-motivation and able to take initiatives and work independently.
10、 良好的沟通技巧并能作为小组的一员很好地工作。
God communication skills and able to work very well as a team member.





1、 确认赛科在陆运运输的HSSE的要求;
To identify SECCO logistics HSSE requirements for land transportation.
2、 建立赛科陆运物流HSE的政策, 标准和相应程序,并保障相关的流程及标准得到实施;
To set up SECCO’s land transportation HSSE policies, standards and related procedures and ensure that these standards and policies are implemented.
3、 审核赛科仓库,罐区,车辆,叉车等相关物流设施,并与相关承办商沟通确定相关整改;
Audit SECCO warehouse, tank farm, vehicle, forklift and other related logistics facilities, and share findings with contractors and confirm relevant improvement.
4、 管理相关陆运HSSE相关数据,并进行相关的分析维护,并运用数据进行相关改进;
Maintain related Land transportation logistics HSSE data base and do necessary analysis and maintenance, and use the data effectively to drive continuous improvement.
5、 审核现有陆运供应商,制定整改方案并跟踪考核其;
Audit existing logistics provider and formulate detailed correction plan and monitor its KPI.
6、 组织物流安全研讨会,事故调查, 演习及相关培训;
Organize logistics HSSE seminar, accident investigation, related training and emergency exercises.
7、 计划协调年度HSSE研讨;
Plan and facilitate annual HSSE workshop and seminar.
8、 发展有关物流方面的应急措施;
To develop logistics emergency response procedures.
9、 及时完成上级经理分配的其他工作。
Complete timely other tasks assigned by line manager.

1、 本科及以上学历,化学工程或物流管理毕业具有驾驶执照;
Bachelor degree or above, graduate of chemical engineering or logistics management with driving license.
2、 体力与精力上可以应对化工品船及车辆驾驶现场管理;
Able to manage chemical ship and vehicle driving on site physically and mentally.
3、 具有流利的英语书写能力;
Good English writing ability.
4、 可以频繁出差;
Able to be on frequent business trips.
5、 良好的计算机操作能力;
Good computer operational ability.
6、 理解有关产品处理及储存的HSE风险和法规要求。能够识别潜在风险并制定相应操作流程;
Understand HSE risks and legal requirements of product handling and storage and able to identify potential risks and develop relevant operational procedure.
7、 5年以上化工品处理的经验,至少2年化工HSSE工作经验;
Experience of chemical handling over 5 years and chemical HSSE work experience for 2 years at least.
8、 高度自我激励,能够采取主动,独立工作;
High self-motivation and able to take initiatives and work independently.
9、 良好的沟通技巧并能作为小组的一员很好地工作。
Good communication skills and able to work very well as a team member.




11.项目工程师Project Engineer

1、 协助各工厂技术人员作好项目初步设计(或方案设计)经公司审查通过之前的管理工作;
Assist unit tech personnel to do the management before the initial project design (or proposal design) is checked and approved by Company.
2、 在项目经理领导下负责项目归口管理,负责项目申请的联络,提交技术方案,上报项目资料,提请不同级别的审批;
Lead by Project Manager, be responsible for the centralized management of projects, contacting of project application, submitting tech proposal, submitting project info and applying for approval from different management levels.
3、 依据立项批文要求及时委托设计,协调项目单位向设计单位提供相关资料,进行设计交底;
According to the project approval document of remarks, timely entrust design, coordinate project party to provide relevant info to design party.
4、 协助HSE部门作好对项目的预先评价审查工作;
Assist HSE to do pre-evaluation and pre-check to projects.
5、 根据审查意见委托修改设计编制施工图,向HSE部门申请办理“三同时”报批手续,促成项目转入施工阶段;
According to the comments and suggestion after the check, entrust other party to change design and develop engineering drawings, apply for “3 at one time” submission and approval procedures from HSE, push projects to enter engineering phase.
6、 负责项目实施、中间交接和竣工验收,参与合同谈判、投资预算和决算。负责项目统计与工程服务相关小组成员合作审核和核查项目施工各级进度计划、进行进度控制。定期组织召开现场施工调度会议,协调各承包商之间关系;
Responsible for implementation, handover and completion check of projects, be involved in contract negotiation, investment budget and settlement. Responsible for project statistics. Work with people from relevant ES teams to audit and check all-phase schedules of project engineering work, as well as control the progress. Organize site engineering and coordinating meeting on a regular base, coordinate between different contractors.
7、 监督施工(或总承包)单位质量保证体系的运行,认真履行验收签证职责,协助项目经理组织工程质量大检查、工程质量事故的调查处理,负责单项工程的“三查四定”和中间交接的准备工作;
Supervise the QA system operation of engineering (or general contractor) party. Deliver acceptance check responsibilities seriously. Assist Project Manager to organize engineering quality check, to research and deal with engineering quality accident, be responsible for “3 checks & 4 fixes” of single engineering work and the pre-work for middle handover.
8、 对于“三查四定”所列各项问题,负责落实好整改、消项工作;
For all the issues listed in “3 checks & 4 fixes”, responsible for improvement/fix and item close-out.
9、 审查工程进度报告,协调处理施工承包商的变更和索赔。对重大设计修改、设计漏项增补所需费用,立项报批后,协助有关职能部门办理投资追加、概算调整手续和资金的落实等手续;
Audit the engineering progress report, coordinate and deal with change and compensation claiming from contractors. For the cost of major design change and additional item (caused by missing-up in design), after project is established and applied, assist relevant functional department to handle the investment super addition, budget adjustment procedure and capital fulfilling.
10、 监督项目施工承包商HSE体系运行情况,协助项目经理做好HSSE工作;
Supervise the HSSE running status of project contractors, assist Project Manager to carry out HSE work.
11、 努力改进工作方法,提升工作效率,确定能增进SECCO整体利益的工作途径,确保项目能够在质量、安全和成本方面达到业务要求;
Try to improve working methods and efficiency; define working methods which can bring more benefits to SECCO; ensure projects to meet business targets in terms of quality, safety and cost.
12、 配合协助PS文档管理相关人员按规定及时将有关项目资料分发给有关的工厂、专业组室和第三方工程管理公司、及SECCO文档中心归档;
Assist PS file management personnel drawing officer to distribute related project info to relevant Units, disciplines, engineering supervision companies of third party and SECCO document control center for filing.
13、 及时完成上级经理分配的其他工作。
Timely complete other works assigned by superior managers.

1、 本科及以上学历,化工机械或仪表、电气专业;
Bachelor Degree in Chemical Machinery or Instrument, Electrical.
2、 具有5年以上大型石油化工装置工程建设和管理工作经验;
More than 5 years’ experience in engineering construction and management of big-scaled petrochemical facilities.
3、 熟悉各种工程标准及使用;
Familiar with a range of engineering standards and capable of the applications.
4、 熟悉工程及生产变更程序;
Familiar with engineering and production change procedure.
5、 出色的组织、协调及项目控制能力;
Significant skill in project organizing, coordinating and controlling.
6、 具备良好的计划、协调、沟通、汇报、学习能力;
Good planning, coordination, communication, reporting and study ability.
7、 拥有用计算机编制详细报告和表达的经验,了解计算机维护支持系统;
Experience in work-outing detail report by computers and expression, knowledge of computer maintenance support systems.
8、 具备人员培训和指导经验;
Experience in personnel instruction and direction.
9、 具有良好的人际关系和影响力,工作业绩良好;
Good interpersonal and influence skill, good work performance.
10、 掌握中英文两种语言。
Grasp Both English and Chinese.





1、 按相关仓储管理程序做好备件、设备材料的接收、入库、保管保养、发料和利用SAP系统WMS记帐等管理工作,保证物资进出库系统有序运转,帐卡物相符,满足生产,维护和项目需求;
Conduct the management work on receiving, warehousing, storage & maintenance and issuing of spare parts, equipment & materials, and bookkeeping using SAP system WMS according to relevant warehouse management procedure, to ensure that in-warehouse and out-warehouse systems of materials are working orderly, stocks in warehouse are consistent with the quantities as stated in the ledgers and registration cards, to meet the production, maintenance and project requirements.
2、 检查仓储员物料收发存和日常清查循环盘点工作,保证帐卡物的一致性;
Inspect storeman’s material receiving, issuing and storing work as well as daily check and cycle inventory of inventory items, to ensure consistency between account, card and material.
3、 管理仓库现场,保持良好的库容库貌,并使仓储设备设施处于完好状态;
Carry out management of on-site operation of warehouse, make sure material placement, housekeeping meet the requirement, and equipment & facilities are in good condition.
4、 管理仓库现场安全作业,保证承包商和员工在装卸、运输时作业规范、安全可控,对送货司机等承包商人员进入仓库安全管理负责;
Manage site safety work, to ensure the over loading and offloading, transportation operation is safe and under control; be responsible for safety management of entrance to the warehouse of the drivers delivering goods and other contractors.
5、 做好叉车卡车等厂内车辆管理,杜绝车辆事故;
Work on management of in-plant vehicles such as fork-lift and trucks, to put an end to vehicle accident.
6、 运用SAP系统分析解决库存管理中出现的问题;
Apply the SAP system to analyse and solve problems taking place in inventory management.
7、 定期培训仓储员的仓储管理、物料属性知识和作业技能;
Periodically Train storemen on warehouse keeping & materials knowledge and operation skills.
8、 及时完成上级经理分配的其他工作。
Timely complete other tasks assigned by superior managers.

1、 大专及以上学历,化工机械或化工仪表等相关学历优先;
College or above, chemical machinery or chemical instrument- related majors are preferred.
2、 具有6年以上大型石油化工装置工厂的供应仓储管理工作经验;
Over 6 years’ working experience of supply warehouse management in large scale petrochemical plant.
3、 具备良好的敬业精神、计划、协调、沟通、汇报以及学习能力;
Good professional dedication, planning, coordination, communication, reporting and study ability.
4、 熟练掌握计算机操作,具有SAP使用经验的优先。
Very capable of computer applications, experience in use of SAP is preferred.





1、 通过例行的产品管理活动,支持聚烯烃日常业务的顺利开展;
Through the routine product management activities to support the daily business operations of the PO team.
2、 跟踪确认销售订单的执行情况,并复核确保产品价格的有效性;
To track and confirm the implementation of sales orders, and to review and ensure the effectiveness of the product price.
3、 与相关团队保持良好沟通,协同处理各种业务相关事宜;
Deal with relative business concerns via good communication with internal and external team.
4、 对聚烯烃产品业务相关的数据进行统计分析,为业务决策提供数据依据;
Provide analysis on relative business data for business performance assessment and strategy making.
5、 协调客户投诉和抱怨的处理,跟踪执行情况并复核和统计客户赔偿;
Coordinate the handling of customer complaint, track implementation, and review the statistics and customer compensation.
6、 参与聚烯烃业务流程的日常管理,并确保流程的有效实施;
Participate in procedure management and ensure the process effective.
7、 及时完成上级经理分配的其他工作。
Timely complete other tasks assigned by the superior manager.

1、 本科及以上学历;
Bachelor degree or above.
2、 3年以上工作经验,具有石化行业经验优先;
3+ years working experience, experience in petrochemical industry is preferred.
3、 善于交流并英语良好,具备财务知识优先;
Good communication and English skills, good finance knowledge is preferred.
Mastering in software skills, eg. Excel/Word/ PPT, and experience with SAP preferred.
5、 工作细心,注重细节并有较强的分析能力;
Strong attention to details and good analysis capability.
6、 具备较强团队合作精神。
Strong team work spirit.





1、 协助聚烯烃市场经理与相关团队及客户共同确保赛科的聚烯烃市场活动符合国家法律、法规以及赛科的HSSE要求;
Assist the PO Marketing manager, together with the relevant teams and customers to ensure SECCO's PO business activities complying national laws and regulations and SECCO's HSSE requirements.
2、 负责整合市场信息。维护市场信息数据库体系,并给市场经理的决策提供数据支持;
Consolidate the marketing intelligence. To maintain marketing information databases and to assist the manager’ decision-making.
3、 作为市场研究及市场开发和优化策略的主要执行者,参与市场及行业分析。协助市场经理进行市场分析工作,包括供需平衡、价格及竞争对手动态等。监测每周聚烯烃市场的整体价格趋势,协助提供市场月度回顾报告等;
Analysis relevant markets and industries, such like supply-demand equilibrium, prices, and competitors as the executive in business development and strategy optimizing. To monitor market prices weekly and to assist the manager in producing the market monthly report.
4、 协助聚烯烃市场经理进行聚烯烃市场的中长期策略分析;
Assist PO marketing manager in analysing medium-and-long term’ strategies of PO market.
5、 判别市场的变化及客户的需求,和技术服务及销售人员一起保持与行业影响者的联系,比如特定管理机构,行业协会及疏通团,设备制造商等;
Identify change in market and customer requirements, and enhancing the relationship with sales and technical service with industrial influencers, eg. specifying authorities, industry associates and lobby groups, equipment manufacturers.
6、 协助聚烯烃市场经理组织促销活动,参加会议等;
Assist PO marketing manager in organizing marketing promotion activities and attend industrial conferences.
7、 参与对聚烯烃行业业绩比照的研究;
I Participate in benchmarking studies for PO.
8、 及时完成上级经理分配的其他工作。
Timely complete other tasks assigned by the superior manager.

1、 商务或化学专业本科及以上学历,MBA优先;
Bachelor degree and above in business or chemistry, MBA is preferred.
2、 5年以上的商务或市场调查领域的工作经验,有聚合物或石化行业的经验优先;
5+ years working experiences in commercial or market research area, polymers or petrochemical experience preferred.
3、 擅于策略思维;
Good at strategy thinking.
4、 对数据高度敏感,并擅长分析;
Highly sensitive to data and very good at analysis.
5、 可以不定期出差;
Prepared to travel occasionally.
6、 能在压力下工作;
Be capable of working under pressure.
7、 关注细节,追求完美,具有主动性和决断性;
Pursue details & perfection and initiative, determinative and decisive.
8、 英语读写流利;
Good command of English, typically in reading and writing.
9、 精通PPT,EXCEL表格以及其他分析工具。
Mastering in software skills, eg. Power Point, Excel, and other tools for analysis.





1、 积极与工艺人员合作,优化控制系统的操作和系统的维护,及时帮助和查找包括工艺在内的一系列问题,确保生产装置安、稳、优运行;
Actively cooperate with process people to optimize operation of control systems and system maintenance, timely help to troubleshoot a series of problems including process in order to ensure safe, reliable and optimal operation of production units.
2、 确保执行所管辖生产装置DCS/SIS/F&G/PLC控制系统软件和硬件的预防性维护和故障维护的流程,确保控制系统故障率逐年降低;
Make sure to implement preventive maintenance and failure maintenance process for software and hardware in control systems including DCS/SIS/F&G/PLC in production units under his/her charge, make sure gradual reduction of failure rate of the control systems year by year.
3、 参与所管辖生产装置所有控制系统硬件、软件的故障根源性分析,并落实跟踪相关行动项;
Participate in RCFAs for hardware and software of all control systems in production units under his/her charge, and implement and track relevant actions.
4、 负责维护所管辖生产装置的控制系统、应用系统和信息系统,包括系统的组态、控制回路的优化实施、故障处理、组态修改、用户支持、性能监视和记录等;
Be responsible to performance monitoring and record the control system, application and information system including system configuration, control loop optimization, fault handling, modification of configuration, user support under his/her charge.
5、 熟悉所管辖生产装置的控制、联锁方案,为生产提供最佳支持;
Familiar with control and interlock of the plant under his/her charge, provide support to operation.
6、 严格执行技术工作程序和业务流程;认真完成控制系统巡检工作,确保日常维护工作万无一失;
Strictly implement work procedure and business process. Complete control system routine inspection; make sure every aspect of daily maintenance is alright.
7、 负责执行与控制系统有关的MOC项目;
Be responsible to implement and control relevant MOC projects.
8、 熟悉所管辖生产装置的工艺控制流程,确定符合赛科控制策略的控制性能的KPI指标;
Be familiar with process control flow of production units under his/her charge, determine control performance KPI that conforms to SECCO control strategies.
9、 及时完善整合管理体系(IMS)工作所涉及的相关资料,使日常维护工作程序和业务流程符合标准要求;
Timely improve relevant material concerned with integrated management system (IMS) work, make daily maintenance work procedure and business process meet standard and requirement.
10、 履行值班职责,及时处理值班期间发生的问题;
Perform on-duty responsibility, and timely deal with any issues occurred during on-duty period.
11、 及时完成上级经理分配的其他工作。
Shall timely finish other work assigned by higher level managers.

1、 本科及以上学历,自动化或过程控制专业;
Bachelor degree or above, major in automation or process control.
2、 5年以上石油化工行业及本专业工作经验;
More than 5-year work experience in petrochemical industry or these majors.
3、 具有一定的行业标准知识,能参与制定行业标准,并能应用于项目改造;
Have knowledge of standards of the industry, can participate in formulation of industry standards and apply them in modification projects.
4、 了解石油化工行业生产、安全和技术要求;
Have knowledge of production, safety and technical requirements of petrochemical industry.
5、 有丰富的DCS/SIS/PLC控制系统的应用经验;
Have rich application experience of DCS/SIS/PLC control systems.
6、 对待工作敬业,尽责,以身作则,能对不同的实际情况及时有效的做出决策;
Dedicated to work and conscientious to responsibilities, set examples by the actions and make effective decisions timely to various situations.
7、 工作细心,注重细节并有较强的分析能力;
Work carefully, detail-oriented and has strong analysis capability.
8、 有一定的组织、协调能力;能主动与相关人员沟通;
Good organization skills, standardize management, arrange personnel and work rationally.
9、 有服务器及Windows操作系统的应用经验;
Application experience with servers and Window operation system.
10、 对数据库有一定的了解和使用经验;
Knowledge and operation experience of database.
11、 英语口语良好;
Good in oral English.
Must be proficient with EXCEL, WORD and POWERPOINT.




16.高级项目工程师Senior Project Engineer

1、 担任资本性支出项目的项目经理,实行项目经理负责制, 负责项目全过程的管理;
As project manager for CAPEX projects, implement project manager responsibility system, responsible for whole process of project management.
2、 组建指定项目组,负责项目组的工作;
Set up a designated project group and responsible for the work of the project group.
3、 对所管项目的安全、质量、进度和费用及所涉及的相关事项全面负责;
Overall responsible for safety, quality, schedule and cost of the specific project and other related activities.
4、 组织项目工程师参与各工厂项目初步设计(或方案设计)经公司审查通过之前的工作;
Organize Projects Engineers to participate in work before the initial project design (or proposal design) is checked and approved by Company.
5、 协助HSSE部门作好对项目的预先评价审查工作;
Assist HSSE to do pre-evaluation and pre-check to projects.
6、 负责项目实施、中间交接和竣工验收的组织协调工作,参加合同谈判、投资预算和决算。负责项目统筹管理,对项目的总体进度计划实施全过程控制;
Responsible for organization and coordination in implementation, handover and completion check of projects, join in contract negotiation, investment budget and settlement. Responsible for project plan as a whole. Execute whole process control on the general schedule and planning of projects.
7、 审核施工(或总承包)单位质量保证体系并监督其运行情况,认真履行验收签证职责,组织对工程质量大检查、工程质量事故的调查处理,组织安排工程的“三查四定”和中间交接的实施工作;
Audit the QA system and supervise its operation of engineering (or general contractor) party, deliver acceptance check responsibilities seriously, organize engineering quality check to projects, research and deal with engineering quality accident, organize and arrange “3 checks & 4 fixes” of engineering work and the implementation of middle handover.
8、 审批工程进度报告,处理施工承包商的变更和索赔。审核重大设计修改、设计漏项增补所需费用,立项报批后,组织协助有关职能部门办理投资追加、概算调整手续和资金的落实等手续;
Approve the engineering progress report; deal with change and compensation claiming from contractors. Audit the cost of major design change and additional item (caused by missing-up in design). After project is established and applied, organize to assist relevant functional department to handle the investment super addition, budget adjustment procedure and capital fulfilling.
9、 监督项目施工承包商HSSE体系运行情况,做好项目施工中的HSSE管理工作;
Supervise the HSSE running status of project contractors; well handle the HSSE management in project engineering.
10、 努力改进工作方法,提升工作效率,确定能增进SECCO整体利益的工作途径,确保项目能够在质量、安全和成本方面达到业务要求;
Try to improve working methods and efficiency, define working methods which can bring more benefits to SECCO, ensure projects to meet business targets in terms of quality, safety and cost.
11、 当涉及到项目承包商业绩时,参加工程质量事故处理,总结经验教训,为提高管理水平以及设备运行可靠性提供依据;
When things related to performance of project contractors, join in the dealing with quality accident of engineering, learn from the practise and lesson, build foundation to improve management skill and equipment reliability.
12、 负有管理、辅导团队的职责,认真践行并积极推进公司价值观和企业文化建设。包括但不限于责任与承诺、道德与合规、CI持续改进等;
Be responsible for managing and mentoring the team, carefully practice and actively promote company value and enterprise culture construction, including but not limited to accountability, commitment, ethics and compliance, continuous improvements, etc.
13、 及时完成上级经理分配的其他工作。
Timely complete other works assigned by superior managers.

1、 本科及以上学历,化工机械或仪表、电气专业;
Bachelor Degree in Chemical Machinery or Instrument, Electrical.
2、 具有10年以上大型石油化工装置工程建设,5年以上管理工作经验;
More than 10 years’ experience in engineering construction of big-scaled petrochemical facilities, more than 5 years’ management experience.
3、 熟悉工程项目承包商工作程序及流程,能够在日常管理过程中发现问题并及时反馈信息;
Familiar with the procedure and process of engineering project contractor, be able to detect problem and reflect it timely in daily management work.
4、 熟悉各种工程标准及使用;
Familiar with a range of engineering standards and capable of the applications.
5、 熟悉工程及生产变更程序;
Familiar with engineering and production change procedure.
6、 出色的组织、协调及项目控制能力;
Significant skill in project organizing, coordinating and controlling.
7、 具备良好的计划、协调、沟通、汇报、学习能力;
Good planning, coordination, communication, reporting and study ability.
8、 拥有用计算机编制详细报告和表达的经验,了解计算机维护支持系统;
Experience in work-outing detail report by computers and expression, knowledge of computer maintenance support systems.
9、 具备人员培训和指导经验;
Experience in personnel instruction and direction.
10、 具有良好的人际关系和影响力,工作业绩良好;
Good interpersonal and influence skill, good work performance.
11、 善于交流,并且英语读写流利。
Good at exchange and fluent English reading and writing ability.





1、 与客户和公司相关部门合作处理客户定单并确保及时发运;
To work closely with customers and related department to process the customer orders and has timely delivery.
2、 执行赛科客户服务标准和客户订单处理流程,运用SAP处理客户订单;
To execute SECCO’s customer service standards, order processing procedure, and transact customer orders with SAP.
3、 处理和完成客户订单,与销售/物流/仓库一起解决其间争议;
To timely transact and fulfil customer orders, work with sales/logistic/warehouse to solve disputes.
4、 管理客户需求,及时回复客户咨询;
To manage customers’ requirements, and provide timely feedback to customers inquiry.
5、 评估和提高客户服务绩效;
To evaluate and improve customer service performance.
6、 及时完成上级经理分配的其他工作。
Complete the other works assigned by manager in time.

1、 本科及以上学历;
Bachelor degree or above.
2、 无工作年限要求,有相关工作经验者优先;
Relevant working experience is preferred.
3、 高度自我激励,能够采取主动,独立工作;
Highly motivated, able to take the initiative, capable of working independently.
4、 个性开朗,良好的沟通技巧,团队合作能力强;
With a pleasant personality, good interpersonal and communication skills and able to work as part of a team.
5、 能承受工作压力按时完成任务;
Able to work under pressure to deliver tasks on time.
6、 良好的计算机操作能力;
A capable user of PC office applications.
7、 本岗位将经常与外公司和客户联系,必须将赛科的良好形象和信誉带给外界。
The post holder will be in regular contact with external companies, suppliers and customers, and must present SECCO’s values and reputation to external parties.




18.主任项目工程师Lead Project Engineer

1、担任中、小型资本性支出项目的项目经理,实行项目经理负责制, 负责项目全过程的管理;
As project manager for the medium and small CAPEX projects, implement project manager responsibility system, responsible for whole process of project management.
Set up a designated project group and responsible for the work of the project group.
Overall responsible for safety, quality, schedule and cost of the specific project and other related activities.
Organize the review on the engineering feasibility of SECCO projects.
To examine & comment on the letter of MOC project proposal & feasible research report.
Assist the Project team to ensure the realization of control targets on safety, quality, timing and cost of engineering projects. Be responsible for the above.
Assist the Project team to carry out whole process management and control on engineering projects. Assist to deal with relations of project management.
Assist unit tech personnel to do the management before the initial project design (or proposal design) is checked and approved by Company.
Lead by Project Manager, be responsible for the centralized management of projects, contacting of project application, submitting tech proposal, submitting project info and applying for approval from different management levels.
According to the project approval document of remarks, timely entrust design, coordinate project party to provide relevant info to design party.
Assist HSE to do pre-evaluation and pre-check to projects.
According to the comments and suggestion after the check, entrust other party to change design and develop engineering drawings, apply for “3 at one time” submission and approval procedures from HSE, push projects to enter engineering phase.
Responsible for implementation, handover and completion check of projects, be involved in contract negotiation, investment budget and settlement. Responsible for project statistics. Work with people from relevant ES teams to audit and check all-phase schedules of project engineering work, as well as control the progress. Organize site engineering and coordinating meeting on a regular base, coordinate between different contractors.
Supervise the QA system operation of engineering (or general contractor) party. Deliver acceptance check responsibilities seriously. Assist Project Manager to organize engineering quality check, to research and deal with engineering quality accident, be responsible for “3 checks & 4 fixes” of single engineering work and the pre-work for middle handover.
For all the issues listed in “3 checks & 4 fixes”, responsible for improvement/fix and item close-out.
Audit the engineering progress report, coordinate and deal with change and compensation claiming from contractors. For the cost of major design change and additional item (caused by missing-up in design), after project is established and applied, assist relevant functional department to handle the investment super addition, budget adjustment procedure and capital fulfilling.
Supervise the HSSE running status of project contractors; assist Project Manager to carry out HSE work.
Try to improve working methods and efficiency; define working methods which can bring more benefits to SECCO; ensure projects to meet business targets in terms of quality, safety and cost.
19、 配合协助PS文档管理相关人员按规定及时将有关项目资料分发给有关的工厂、专业组室和第三方工程管理公司、及SECCO文档中心归档;
Assist PS file management personnel to distribute related project info to relevant Units, disciplines, engineering supervision companies of third party and SECCO document control center for filing.
Timely complete other works assigned by superior managers.

Bachelor Degree in Chemical Machinery or Instrument, Electrical.
More than 8 years’ experience in engineering construction and management of big-scaled petrochemical facilities.
Familiar with a range of engineering standards and capable of the applications.
Familiar with engineering and production change procedure.
Significant skill in project organizing, coordinating and controlling.
Good planning, coordination, communication, reporting and study ability.
Experience in work-outing detail report by computers and expression, knowledge of computer maintenance support systems.
Experience in personnel instruction and direction.
Good interpersonal and influence skill, good work performance.
10、 掌握中英文两种语言。
Grasp Both English and Chinese.



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