展会介绍 在线答疑


公司规模:100 - 499人

林德集团是全球领先的气体和工程集团,分公司遍及全球100多个国家,总雇员多达48,000 人。2011财年销售额达到138亿欧元。林德集团的战略是以收益为基础的可持续增长,并通过前瞻性的产品和服务实现全球业务拓展。


林德在大中华区的总部位于上海,在全国各个主要的工业中心拥有约50家全资及合资公司,以及150多个运行现场,员工近4000名。作为在上世纪80年 代率先进入中国的国际气体公司,林德已成为该地区最大的气体供应和工程企业,与来自化工、石化、冶金、制造、电子、食品和医疗等领域、包括《财富》500 强在内的领先客户紧密合作,共同成长。

2004年林德公司在宁波投资成立林德气体(宁波)有限公司,这是林德气体在中国投资兴建的外 商独资企业,一期投建2台21000立方米/小时的空分设备,二期投建2台65000立方米/小时的设备,并铺设国内最长的管道氧气网线联结北仑和镇海。 加上氢气装置和地下管网总投资为1.7亿美元,注册资金6500万美元,是浙江省内最大的气体生产企业。同时林德在镇海化工区先期投资1000万美金,建 设一套8000立方米/小时空分装置。





1、Purpose of the position职位目的
Drive and deliver continuous & quantifiable improvement in operational processes efficiency of the plants in LGN, focus on both ASU, hydrogen and facilities. /驱动宁波空分及氢气现场运行效率的持续提高;
Furthermore develop and track the process cost/benefit analysis, sharing the RGC and global best practices within LGN. /推动投入产出分析,分析大中华区和集团先进事例;
Give training to operators, focus on both ASU and Hyco process. /组织空分及氢气操作人员培训与能力提高;
2、Principal responsibilities
Ensure compliance with safety, health, environmental and quality standards for operations. /确保生产活动符合SHEQ要求;
Identify best operations practice (BOP) opportunities and support its implementation, keeping alignment with LGN annual strategy. /制定BOP并推动执行,符合宁波年度战略;
Work with site supervisor and RGC platform Ops to ensure key performance indicator (KPI) targets for multiple sites are understood & achievable accordingly. /和现场主管、运行支持团队一起制定KPI指标,并推动执行;
Review and support appropriate process models application to enhance efficient operations. /制定运行厂区综合效益最大化的生产运行模式,并推动执行,组织HPO项目方案提出、审批和实施;
Execute plant performance analysis, technical review, performance monitoring, looking for detailed plant process recovery, compressor performance, and optimal power usage, following plant model data. /定期组织装置性能分析、技术回顾,寻求性能改进、节能降耗等优化措施;
Provide cost/benefit analysis for regional plant with clear KPI feedback, aiming to improve operations. /进行投入产出分析,寻求与KPI的差距,并改进;
Provide operational support when required for major maintenance and plant startup events. /在装置大修和原始开车期间对操作人员进行技术指导、人力支持与监管;
Support site supervisors to develop appropriate plant contingency plans. /支持现场主管经理处理突发事件;
Support ops support engineer to build yearly budget & Capex with sustainable information and justification. /提供年度预算及CAPEX预算;
Work with reliability team to optimize and reduce CoD (cost of downtime) as provider of data analysis, events study, and process trends. /和可靠性团队一起通过数据分析、案例分享和趋势分析等措施,发现和改进不足,减少COD损失;
Serve as subject matter expert for process development and standards definition by interfacing with RGC (Engineering, Operation, and Platform). /作为现场界面,和RGC团队一起关注工艺运行优化改进;
Support Ops support engineer to develop LIMSS training process in LGN. /协助管理LIMSS 体系培训;
Submit report and document to Ops support engineer as request. / 组织及起草相关方案或文件。

1、3 years or above ASU operation experience /3年或以上制氢或空分运行经验;
2、Bachelor or above degree, major on cryogenic or chemical process/本科及以上学历,化工工艺或工艺控制专业;
3、 有制氢、大型空分、大型化工行业工作经验者优;
4、Strong analytical and quantitative skills /良好的分析和数据技能;
5、Plant operations experience /丰富的装置运行经验;
6、Understanding of process control & instrumentation /熟悉工艺运行控制和仪表;
7、Relationship & Communications skills /良好的沟通技能;
8、Ability to lead training /主导学习的能力;
9、Fluent in Mandarin and English, both in written and spoken /练好的英语和母语能力;
10、MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Visio), EAM systems /良好的办公软件使用技能。



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